Couple of hours before delivery! |
The youngest and I were settling in for the evening when Lexi began to pace and meow. I knew right away Lexi was in labor but did not want to excite the youngest because it could be hours before we saw kittens. Lexi belongs to the youngest, she sleeps with her and she lets her hold her. It made sense that Lexi would seek her for comfort. I left the two of them and set out the "birthing box" in my walk in closet. I had not been gone 5 minutes when she came running down the hall shouting Lexi "peed" all over her skirt! OH BOY! I explained that she was starting the birthing process. We moved Lexi to the box. We called the older sister to get home, "We are having kittens"!
Maisy! |
After about 21/1 hours all four kittens had arrived. The youngest fetched food and water for Lexi. Later she decided that the area needed to changed with clean changing pads. The girls gently lifted each baby, giving them each a once over, then they named them. (Piddle, Maisy, Bear, Widget) During the middle of the night Lexi decided that this spot was not the right place. She ended up in the bottom drawer of an old wooden filing cabinet in the older daughters bedroom. It is nice and dark as well roomy for Lexi and her growing little brood.
Each day the the youngest checks them out first thing in the morning, multiple times throughout the day and says goodnight. Both girls are great babysitters when Lexi takes a breaks. I for see kittens missing their playmates when the girls start school!