I hope you never lose your sense of wonder. You get your fill to eat, But always keep that hunger. May you never take one single breath for granted. God forbid love ever leave you empty handed. I hope you still feel small when you stand by the ocean. Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens. Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.... I hope you dance.

Friday, November 12, 2010


We are so blessed to live in the Pacific Northwest.

The girls attend a wonderful resource center for home schoolers called Edmond Heights K12. I know that I have mentioned this several times but I just love to talk about the center. There are so many opportunities that they would not have the opportunity if they attended public school. Any who, last month one of the seniors started a hiking group. This group is definitely not for beginners. In the 4 weeks they have been going, they have hiked over 25 miles!

Heather has been going with Sarah Elizabeth. Heather said that they are doing some of the best hiking she has ever done. They have been to Wallace Falls in the foot hills of the Cascade Mountains, Monte Cristo, Lorde Hill State Park and a local hike that ended at a beach by the Puget Sound. Waterfalls, ghost towns, forging rivers, and stunning beauty what more could they ask for? Sarah Elizabeth and Heather have taken some breath photo's. You will find a sampling through out this page.

Hope you enjoy that photo's~Blair

Yes folks, that is snow in early October.

There were leaves even bigger than this!

Will be posting more pictures of their hikes as they become available.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Salmon Hatchery and Snoquamie Falls

Salmon trying to get over the dam.
Our field trip this week found us at the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery. I had no idea that salmon could get that big! The Issaquah Creek was brimming with Salmon. The redish colored are the male. They develop a hump and hook looking mouth during spawning season.

Rainbow trout is raised at the Hatchery. Emily and I got to feed the trout. Can you say feeding frenzy?!

Emily was facinated by fish ladder. When we were at the observation area for the fish ladder, one little boy beside me must have been about 5 years old. He stretched his arms out and could not reach wide enough to be the length of the salmon in front of him. I told you these salmon are bigger than small children! :0)
After the Hatchery, we headed a little further North to Snoquamie Falls.

 It is soooo beautiful there. Our drive was lovely. eventhough the weather was not at it's best, I think it enhanced the feel of autum. The trees are beginning to change. Fall begins next week. I think someone forgot to the mountains to wait a little longer.

Wow were the falls beautiful! I have never been here in the fall. I wish that we would be able to go back in a few weeks. It will be stellar with color.
The have been serious renovations to the park that surrounds the falls. There is a new observation area, you can no longer hike down the mountain to the river. This is a bummer. The hike is hard but so worth it when you are able to look at the falls from the bottom. When I lived here many years ago with my parents, the are a was suffering from severe drought. The was just a trickle of a water. You could safely behind or even stand in the falls.

This was a great field trip. We discussed renewable resources as well as the impact of logging in the region.

Cannot wait for our next adventure.....as my favorite guys on Ghost Hunters say, "On to the next!"

A new school year

Dang it! Summer is officially over. Our summer has been filled with awesome adventures and trips. You can visit our family blog http://blessingsfromlife.blogspot.com/ catch up on all our summer adventures.

There are major changes in our school lives. This year Emily is now a middle schooler! Wow! She has decided to attend the Homeschool Resource Center and re-join the rank of home schooler. Sarah Elizabeth had the option to graduate this year but has decided to go an extra year and take advantage of free college classes that are offered. Smart choice I feel. Joseph changed c lasses, He is now in the intermediate class grade 4-6. His teacher from last year, Mrs, Seiber's will be there three days a week and a new teacher two days. Heather will start MU Grad School in January. My babies are growing so fast!

This year I will be at the Resource Center everyday. This differs from the past. The girls have very different schedules and I cannot afford the gas to drive back and forth! I joined the Seattle Homeschooling Group. We will be trying to do a lot more hands on and be in the field more. Now that Joseph's health is more stable I feel more comfortable to be able to go on more field trips. Jeff is working 8pm-5am so that means he will be close if needed and can pick him up after school. Thus giving us more freedom. :0)
So in honor of first days of school every where, I hope you share the enthusiasm as Nemo!

We are headed to Salmon Fish Hatchery for our next field trip. Wonder if I can bring a salmon home? :0)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can Kittens be counted as science?

Couple of hours before delivery!
Our cat Lexi had four kittens the other day. It has been the longest 6 weeks our youngest daughter has ever experienced! Every day, several times a day she would ask, "When do you think Lexi will have her kittens?". Our older daughter googled information on the gestation of kittens. The girls would examine the calendar and make a prediction. The closer the time came to guesstimated the birthing day and it would pass a new day would be set. I am proud to say I won the pool! Two days before my birthday and on the full moon to boot.

 The youngest and I were settling in for the evening when Lexi began to pace and meow. I knew right away Lexi was in labor but did not want to excite the youngest because it could be hours before we saw kittens. Lexi belongs to the youngest, she sleeps with her and she lets her hold her. It made sense that Lexi would seek her for comfort. I left the two of them and set out the "birthing box" in my walk in closet. I had not been gone 5 minutes when she came running down the hall shouting Lexi "peed" all over her skirt! OH BOY! I explained that she was starting the birthing process. We moved Lexi to the box. We called the older sister to get home, "We are having kittens"!

It was so awesome to experience the birth of that first kitten with my daughter. Just the two of us in the closet with Lexi. Watching her in awe, excited, and being a great birthing coach! She spoke very quiet and loving to Lexi telling her she was going to be fine and what a good job she was doing. :0)

After about 21/1 hours all four kittens had arrived. The youngest fetched food and water for Lexi. Later she decided that the area needed to changed with clean changing pads. The girls gently lifted each baby, giving them each a once over, then they named them. (Piddle, Maisy, Bear, Widget) During the middle of the night Lexi decided that this spot was not the right place. She ended up in the bottom drawer of an old wooden filing cabinet in the older daughters bedroom. It is nice and dark as well roomy for Lexi and her growing little brood.

Each day the the youngest checks them out first thing in the morning, multiple times throughout the day and says goodnight. Both girls are great babysitters when Lexi takes a breaks. I for see kittens missing their playmates when the girls start school!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

If I could I would send you a bouquet of sharpened pencils

There is something about autumn and the thoughts it conjurers up of school supplies. The smell of scotch tape..Tom Hanks from You've Got Mail.

I love back to school. To me back to school is like New Years the thought of the possibilities. Possibilities of fields trips, empty notebooks to be filled and time spent learning with my children. 

If I had it my way Tuesdays would be our only "school day" and the rest of the week be spent with field trips.

The past two years Sarah Elizabeth has attend the Home school Center. The first year transition was difficult at first only due to the limited amount of classes she was allowed to take. Last year she more than made up for it. She took a ton of classes including online classes. If all goes right she will graduate this year...a year early from High School! I am trying to talk her into taking advantage of free community college classes. Fingers crossed.
Emily attended public school. It was a fabulous experience for her. A perfect fit. Her teacher was awesome. She was lucky to have Mr. Partee both years. This year Emily would have transitioned to Brier Junior High. She has decided to attend the Home school Center as well. She is really excited to be attending the same school as Sarah Elizabeth.
Joseph will continue to attend a special needs classroom. His teacher from last year transitioned to his classroom which is wonderful. :0) I am praying this will be a better year. Over the past two years he missed a lot of school due to health issues.

This year promises to be a great year. I am looking forward to getting back into our home schooling groove. Keep ya posted!